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N E W S 31 March 2008 M E D I A R E L E A S E Contact:
Sharon Sudman
IMAGE SPIGOT DESIGN FOR HFA HONORED BY IABC Capsule: Hennepin Faculty Associates of Minneapolis received an IABC 2008 Award of Merit in the category of Marketing Communications for its system of Lifediagnostics Imaging brochures and CD with coordinating folders, designed by Image Spigot Graphic Design and written by HFA. Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota March 31, 2008: At the 2008 Bronze Quill Awards Gala, Hennepin Faculty Associates of Minneapolis received an International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Minnesota 2008 Award of Merit in the category of Marketing Communications for its system of LifeDiagnostics Imaging brochures and CD with enclosing folders, designed by Image Spigot Graphic Design and written by HFA Communications Specialist Colleen Boyce. The project was an upgrade to the existing LDI literature, previously consisting of a couple of tri-fold brochures. "These materials go out to referring physicians, who need to feel that they are recommending the highest-quality scanning for their patients. This required a higher-end look, so we created a custom pocket folder to contain the brochures and other referral materials, as well as a CD and matching folder for the scans are completed," says Image Spigot principal, Sharon Sudman. The LDI pocket folder and brochures carried forward the established high-tech Lifediagnostics Imaging branding."“We are able to perform well in this type of project. It was complex enough that the client wanted an expert to guide them through the paper and structural choices. We also created a literature hierarchy for them that helped them express how they wanted each piece to communicate to a specific audience. This brand work, prior to creating the actual design, helps everything to go smoothly, avoids surprises, and actually helps reduce overall costs." LifeDiagnostics Imaging offers the latest imaging technology geared toward preventive medicine, with radiologists who are part of Hennepin Faculty Associates, and are all faculty of the University of Minnesota. HFA is an independent, nonprofit corporation of more than 250 physicians and dentists who provide professional services at Hennepin County Medical Center. The Minnesota Chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators brings together professionals who excel in the communications field. It gives members the tools and information they need at any stage in their career. Its 2008 Bronze Quill Awards recognize professionals from corporations, agencies, and nonprofits for their distinctive work on communications programs and campaigns and for demonstrating excellence in communication skills and creative. Working in all areas of organizational imagery, graphics and branding, Image Spigot creates identity systems, corporate and sales collateral, direct mail, packaging, web sites and trade show graphics. Rather than apply their own style to client projects, they have a special aptitude for discovering an organization’s brand and expressing it visually. They are also committed to giving back to our community, and therefore ten percent of net revenues are contributed to charitable causes. Reach them at 651-698-5552 or, or visit online at
© I M A G E S P I G O T L L C 399 Macalester
Street, Saint Paul Minnesota 55105 USA